Measurement Consultancy
A complimentary service to meter calibration and verification, which considers the impact of the installation and operation of the flow meter on overall measurement performance – it’s not sufficient to only calibrate your meter to ensure accuracy.
A prime example of the importance of measurement consultancy is the impact of meter installation on accuracy. Flow meters are typically calibrated under ideal installation conditions with long lengths of straight pipe work up and downstream of the meter. As a minimum, the manufacturer’s recommendations are maintained. If the meter is subsequently installed with few straight lengths it’s performance will change from that stated on the certificate. Typically, such instances generate a measurement bias, an error in the measured value which is not random. This will introduce an error in all measurements made using that device. If the meter output is used for billing purposes this could result in your customers being undercharged. Measurement consultancy covers a number of different, but related services including:
Metering system audits
Measurement uncertainty
Mass balance and loss control
Meter selection studies
Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis
poorly installed flow meter. Where re-location is impossible or impracticable, CFD modelling can generate correction factors to account for the installation effects.

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